Peace of mind at work starts here

We help thinkers focus on what matters without interruption in a coordinated way.

Here we go: Bulletpoints

Personal shield against interruptors

Syncorate takes interruptors seriously and provide several tools for you to only encounter them when ready for it.

Make coffee breaks great again

No more un-coordinated breaks while your team mates are too busy for a chat. Work together, take breaks together

Have your Syncorate your way

Configure or tweak Syncorate any way you'd like to. Syncorate is developed for engineers by engineers. We shall help you and your team get the most out of it

No ukuleles

No start-up videos, no salesmen. Just proper tooling and any help you wish for to get started

File Icons

Tailored fit

We don't ship wihout believing in bringing value to your team. Contact us and we will either come back with a proposal or let you know when we're not the right tool for your needs.

Naturally you will get your money back unless satisfied

Get in touch

If we caught your attention and you would like to get in touch, use the form to the left and we will hurry up and set something up.